57cm(W) x 43cm(D) x 28cm(H)
A whimsical 'percussion piano' made from a variety of found and reclaimed timbers. Each key makes a characteristically different woody sound, and the operation of the mechanism generates a rhythmic sequence.
27cm(W) x 36cm(L) x 35cm(H)
A mechanical wooden "flight simulator" featuring hand-cut gears and levers. (You turn the handle on the wheel at the front and the bird emulates flight motion).
37.5cm(L) x 25.2cm(W) x 15.5cm(H)
A miniature city society closed within a glass dome, contained and kept separate from the clear flowing open terrain which leads down to an empty shore.
29.5cm(L) x 19.2cm(W) x 13.6cm(H)
This work was conceived to explore the layers of identity we present to the world. The full face mask is sculpted from a solid block of Huon Pine, the opera mask and glove are made from leather and the box is tunbridge figured with blackwood sides.
100.2cm(H) x 115.7cm(L) x 55.5cm(W)
A mechanical action rocking horse laminated and carved from sections of selected pine and finished with hand made leather and brass fittings.
116.5cm(H) x 125.8cm(L) x 58.7cm(W)
Sculpted from reclaimed (200 yr old) Mahogany with incised blaze and dapples in Silver Ash. Base in Black Walnut with Ebony and Silver Ash insets. Hand made fittings in leather and brass.
32.7cm(H) x 11.4cm(W) x 11.4cm(D)
This turned and sculpted vessel represents the protective strength and enduring life force of the forests of the earth, while symbolising the duality of different elements in nature (as within human nature) in the contrasting materials chosen.
23.1cm(L) x 3.7cm(W) x 1.65cm(D)
This sculpted spoon was commissioned by Norman D. Stevens for his collection titled 'A Gathering of Spoons', as featured on the cover (and on page 34) of the book of the same name, published by Linden Publishing Inc. (CA, USA).
23.8cm(L) x 6.8cm(W) x 6.4cm(H)
This hand sculpted artefact is carved from segments of Purpleheart and Holly, arranged to evoke the livery of a medieval jester. It fuses joy, whimsy, metaphor and metamorphosis, and resides in an international collection of art spoons.